To submit a new request via Xtend's Client Connect portal, first log into your account using your email address and password. Then, click “Submit a request” in the upper right-hand corner of the portal.
You will be prompted to fill out a new request form by first selecting the department you are seeking support from; Bookkeeping, Contact Center, Communications, Data Analytics, Mortgage Servicing, Xtend Shared Branching, General (Administration) and the Feedback Forum. If you are unsure which department your request should go to, select General requests and Xtend's administration team will ensure your ticket gets assigned to the proper department.
Once you’ve selected the corresponding department, select your reason for reaching out and complete the form based on your request type. Insert an attachment, if necessary, before clicking submit.
Clicking submit will automatically create a ticket in Zendesk and route to the appropriate team to begin working and following up on your request. Once your request has been submitted, you can view the ticket and check the status of the ticket by clicking the drop-down arrow next to your account name and accessing 'Requests.' Learn more here Accessing Requests – Xtend ( and Ticket Statuses – Xtend (
Prefer emailing us?
See How to Contact Xtend – Xtend ( for a list of the different communication methods that can be used to contact each department at Xtend.
If contacting the Bookkeeping department, email and a new ticket will be automatically submitted on your behalf.
If contacting the Mortgage Servicing department, email and a new ticket will be automatically submitted on your behalf.
If you are looking to contact any of Xtend's other departments, you can email the following team's Zendesk email address, which will automatically submit and route your ticket to the corresponding department.
Contact Center:
- To submit Contact Center ROE updates, email and a ticket will be automatically submitted on your behalf.
Data Analytics:
If you choose to email us, please do not submit the same request via the Client Connect portal.
Questions? You know how to contact us!
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